Frequently asked questions



What Is The Shipping Cost & Delivery Time?

We offer free shipping with tracking. There is NO shipping cost and NO sales tax. We ship from our warehouse 24/7 to keep up with demand.

We ship ALL orders to more than 180 countries worldwide and use YUN Express as our shipping service provider.

Shipping may take 10-15 business days.


Can I Cancel My Order?

Customers may cancel their order within 24 hours of placement and receive a full refund without any questions asked before the item is shipped. Please email to cancel within the period.


How Can I Track The Status Of My Order?

After we have shipped your order, you will receive an automatic notification from the system via email with your tracking number. You can check it in the "Track your order" section.


What Payment Methods Are Available?

We accept all major credit card companies and PayPal.


Is my payment information secure?

Your data is transferred via a secure SSL connection and subject to the latest security standards. The transmission of your data does not represent a risk at any time. Your security is our highest priority!


Return Policy: What if I don't don't like it?

If you don't see results, you can return the product for a full refund within 30 days of receiving the product(s).

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

We allow used and opened products to be returned.

Trying our products is genuinely risk-free!